
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Do It Yourself Moustache & Muah Yummy Favours

Do It Yourself, or DIY, wedding projects allow you to create your own personalized favors and touches that can be applied in any way you can imagine on your special day, for a shower, a party or whenever. All you need are some basic items and a little creativity.
We combined two of our favorite wedding trends, the desert table and the mustache and lips craze into an easy Do It Yourself Mustache And Muah wedding project. Everything can easily be done a few days before the event and guests will love your homemade tasty treat.
Step 1: Melt chocolate by follow directions on package. Be careful not to overcook.
Step 2: Fill mold up halfway and place stick in mold. Settle chocolate and fill rest of mold with chocolate. Repeat for each mold.
Step 3: Put mold in refrigerator or freezer until hardened.
Step 4: Place in plastic baggy and tie up with some cute thread! Voila!
Source: weddingchicks

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